Flexible Work ≠ Remote Work
Flexible Work ≥ Remote Work
We are often asked by companies what is flexible work – they tell us that they just couldn’t implement remote work here – ‘It just would not work in our company…..remote work is a non runner for us’
Yet, flexible work is bigger than remote work – flexible work can mean many different things and there is always room for some degree of flexibility in every role.
So what do we mean by flexible work?
Flexible work can be:
Part time ( less than full time hours )
Job Share ( 2 brains for the price of 1)
Remote or part remote ( working from home or hub)
Compressed hours ( E.g. doing 5 days in 4)
Annualised hours ( working a set amount of hours over the year)
Core hour policy ( employees have to be present for core hours, flexible around this)
ROWE ( Results Only Work Environment)
Term time ( working while the kids are at school)
Flexible Vacation time ( allowing max holiday – work is based on results)
In our recent survey with over 740 respondents across Ireland, 92% of those surveyed said that, all things being equal, they would leave their current job to go to another position that was offering more flexibility.
Companies doing this now will certainly gain competitive advantage. Contact us if you would like to conduct a flexible work audit in your company so we can assess what types of flexibility would suit you best.
Life is Short. Work Somewhere Flexible.