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Take the flexible place to work check:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Does your company have a clear strategy , policy and procedures and effective training for management and employees to support a flexible work place?
  2. Is flexible work available for everyone in the organisation – do people know their rights as regards requesting flexible work?
  3. Is management aware of the barriers that exist for flexible work and the resistance that is being put forward by managers?
  4. Is the flexible work policy coming from the top down and are all senior staff and managers debriefed and on board with policy?
  5. Does the culture of your organisation foster flexible work and so employees feel they will not be discriminated against if they request flexible work?

If any of your answers were negative , we can help. Employflex can accompany your organisation on your journey to embed a flexible working policy. With our flexible work toolkit we can guide you with your flexible work strategy.

Contact us to see how we can make your organisation a flexible place to work

Life is Short. Work Somewhere Flexible.