Recognising that there was a need for jobseekers to connect, upskill and feel inspired, we started these webinars during lockdown in Covid-19.
‘We have been blown away with the popularity of the webinars highlighting that there is a demand for what we do’ Founder Karen O’Reilly enthused ‘With over half a million people on the live register, equating to more than a fifth of the working population in the Republic, we feel that we are doing our small part in helping out’
The webinars, which are free to attend have covered topics such as Networking Online, Upskilling during downtime, LinkedIn for jobseekers and How to ace the Online Interview. Our next webinar on Thursday 4th June features Lorraine McGuinness of CV Tips and Tricks and she will talk about designing a CV that stands out from the crowd.
‘We used to run free workshops for people going back to work and now we have brought these online.’ O’Reilly notes ‘The subjects we cover reflect that the world of work has changed and that we need to change our jobseeking habits to reflect this. We have been advocates for flexible work for five years so we have a deep knowledge of flexible and remote work which we are happy to share.’
‘We are happy to share our knowledge and help employers and employees navigate their way into the Future of Work.’
To register, check out our social media platforms for the links every week – looking forward to ‘meeting’ you there!