We love this article from Ciara Spillane, Career and Wellness Coach with Positive Prospects – some great solid advice here, thanks Ciara for contributing to our blog:
Changing jobs or returning to the workforce should be an exciting time, however we know that there can often be times where we doubt ourselves when changing jobs. Perhaps you had a difficult interview in the past or your confidence is low after a break from work. Having confidence in your abilities and your worth is paramount in getting the right job. How can you persuade a company to take you on, if you do not have the confidence in your own abilities?
Here are some tips on how you can build up your confidence during the job searching process. Along with strong preparation for job applications and interviews, these tips will help you move to a more positive mindset about your job search.
Knowing what you want
Having a good understanding of your strengths, skills, purpose and non-negotiables will help you understand what role is right for you. Create a list of what you are looking for in your next job along with a list of what value you would bring to that role. Having this information will help ensure you are applying for the right roles and that you have the confidence to believe that you are suitable for the role.
Create a ‘Success Bank’
This is a living document that will help you remember all the wonderful things you have achieved and be ready to sell your abilities in an interview. In a journal or an online document create 3 pages; one for skills, another for strengths and lastly a page for achievements. Add to the list whenever you achieve something or learn a new skill. Some prompts to get you started:
What would your current or previous managers say are your strengths
What achievement are you most proud of?
Performance reviews and feedback from colleagues and friends
What are you naturally good at (strengths)?
What have you learned?
Best Possible Self Exercise
This exercise has been shown to boost self-esteem and increase optimism levels. It can also make you feel happier and increase your well-being! It only takes 10 mins each day and is an easy way to banish those negative thoughts you might be feeling about your job search.
Directions: set a time for 10 minutes, during this time write about the best possible outcome of your job search. Imagine your future self in your new job; how does it feel, what are you doing? If you are nervous about job interviews you can be specific to that; imagine yourself acing those interviews and getting a job you love. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling etc. Just focus on writing and imagining the best possible outcome.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are phrases that we can use to challenge negative thoughts and shift our mindset. You should practice saying them out loud, although this might seem a bit cringey or awkward at first, by practicing them regularly you will have more belief in these statement which will boost your confidence. You can make your own affirmations tailored to your situation but here are some examples:
I am calm and confident; job interviews are fun
I am an excellent candidate, and I exude capability
This interview is a wonderful opportunity, but not the only opportunity I’ll have ever. No matter what happens, I will achieve my goals
Try to incorporate at least one of these tips into your job search slowly and reflect on the impact it has for you.
Ciara Spillane, Career and Wellness Coach with Positive Prospects ( www.positiveprospects.ie )